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You will submit ONE VIDEO LINK that includes all of the material you want to show us.


IMPORTANT: Put your strongest piece first.


The link should open straight to the video you want the judges to view.  It should NOT open to a page/folder that has multiple videos. If a judge has to guess which video to watch, it is likely that the judge will not watch anything and will move on. 


If you are also submitting samples of composition / arrangement, that will be a separate link. Go to our composing / arranging portfolios page for details.


These videos should be similar to a video that you would submit for a college or professional audition. 


We are not looking for perfection but we are looking for artistry. If you are nominated, we assume you are talented.  Use this opportunity to show us what you are trying to explore/create/convey as an artist.​

Pick pieces that resonate with you.


  • Perform a minimum of two (2) contrasting pieces.


  • We encourage you to keep each selection to approximatly two (2) minutes each. â€‹


NOTE: You will not be disqualified if your pieces are slightly longer than required, so don't worry about being EXACT.... HOWEVER, concise is best.


  • We must see you singing. Audio only recordings will NOT be accepted.​ 


  • No editing / jump cuts within a song.


  • No sound amplification or voice manipulation UNLESS obvious manipulation is an intended ARTISTIC choice.​​


  • Don't forget to "slate" your work (introduce yourself and each piece that you will be performing). This can be done verbally and/or with titles on the video. â€‹




  • Simple videos that allow us to see and hear your work are fine. They do not need to be professionally filmed, but they should provide a clear picture and audio.   


  • ​​​We STRONGLY ENCOURAGE you to create a video, at the very least, from the waist up. Full length is preferred.  Why? Because, you perform with your whole body, not just your face. 


  • We STRONGLY ENCOURAGE you to record your video in a neural space if possible. The fewer distractions in the background, the more we are able to focus on you and your performances. That said, we understand that it may be difficult to find an ideal space to film your work and want to reassure you that where you film your pieces will have no bearing on our selection process.​


  • We STRONGLY DISCOURAGE submitting clips from a live performance (a show with an audience). These videos you usually too far away with poor sound. Plus, the audience reactions can be distracting.​​​​


  • We STRONGLY DISCOURAGE you from altering your voice via Auto-Tune and/or highly producing the sound in ways that listeners may question if you are actually signing. It should look like you are singing live and not lip-syncing.





** No passwords/privacy settings. **


When we click on the link to your video, it should open directly without needing a password nor a special video player. 


We suggest uploading videos to:


Vimeo - or - YouTube - or - Google Drive


then, provide the link to the uploaded video in the online application.


Do not assume that viewers will have a specialized video player if one is needed for your video.


Remember, you want the video to be EASY to view.  If the judges have trouble seeing your work, they will not take the time to figure it out and will move on without evaluating you.


HOW TO FRAME Your Performance


Below are strong examples of how you frame your performances on your videos (Minimum waist up, neutral background.) 


Media Arts

Fine Arts

Film and TV



Vocal Music




QUESTIONS?  (949) 288-3662 |

©  Photos on this website by LEONARD ORTIZ, Orange County Register/SCNG, & Student Submissions

Artist of the Year logo design by SANTINA BUSALACCHI, Chapman University



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